Gate WARFET v1.1 AEG Control System

Gate WARFET v1.1 AEG Control System


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Gate WARFET 1.1 AEG Control System

WARFET is GATE’s most advanced AEG Control System. It has 20 functions and almost 6 million possible configurations. The outstanding Tactical Programming Card provides you with very easy access to the AEG Controller settings.

Thanks to the PRE-COCKING and SMART TRIGGER functions, you can achieve a trigger response similar to a real gun. The Programmable Burst (1-5 rounds) enables you to fire a pre-determined number of BBs, which is very useful in MILSLIM and for using low-caps. Another function is ROF Control, which allows you to reduce ROF, so you can use strong LiPo batteries, and still have ROF just like in a real rifle. If your AEG becomes jammed, the SMART FUSE protects the battery and the motor against damage. It also prevents deep battery drain. Moreover, with WARFET you get: MOSFET, ON/OFF ACTIVE BRAKE, BUILT-IN SELF TEST, DEBOUNCING, and more. Many useful functions, great electrical specifications and conformal coating (military specifications: MIL-V-173C) make the AEG Control System able to meet the needs of most experienced airsoft players.


  • User-friendly configuration via the Tactical Programming Card
  • Sturdy and super-small size AEG Controller
  • Compatibility with the strongest AEG replicas and batteries (ready to work with LiPo 14.8V, 5000 mAh, 60C)
  • Tested with car batteries
  • Super-easy installation - thanks to the Mini Tamiya adapters, you can connect WARFET to the original (stock) wiring
  • It can work with most built-in MOSFETs
  • With stock wiring, WARFET reduces melting switch assemblies
  • In hardwired installation, WARFET draws the energy from the battery directly to the motor, bypassing the mechanical trigger contacts
  • Resistant to atmospheric conditions (military specifications: MIL-V-173C)
  • Deep-drain protection for 7.4V, 11.1V, 14.8V LiPoly and 9.6V, 12.8V LiFePO4
  • Improves battery life, ROF, spring life and gearbox reliability

AEG Controller parameters:

  • Wide range of supply voltage: 3-17V
  • Protection against short-circuits: up to 1000A
  • Incredibly low current consumption on stand-by: 0,2mA
  • Ultra-low resistance: 2mΩ
  • Dimensions: 56x20x9mm
  • Weight: 9,4g

Tactical Programming Card

The outstanding Tactical Programming Card provides you with very easy access to the AEG Controller settings. All you need to do is to connect the Tactical Programming Card between the battery and the Controller. A big advantage is that there is no need to use any additional wires. The AEG Controller can be fitted out of view in your AEG, and you still have easy access to its settings. The Tactical Programming Card communicates with the AEG Controller and displays the most recently saved settings. You can simply change them using three buttons.

Tactical Programming Card parameters:

  • Supply voltage: 5-17V
  • Number of LEDs: 29
  • Number of buttons: 3
  • Dimensions: 67x53x7mm
  • Weight: 27,3g


    Remember - if you don't feel comfortable carrying out your own gun servicing, repairs or upgrades, we have experienced airsoft technicians in-store and can do the work for you. You can even book a service with us online by clicking the link below!

    Book a Gun Service. 

    To buy an airsoft weapon in the UK you must have a valid airsoft defence.

    This is not a licence, it is basically just proof that you intend to buy an airsoft weapon for use in airsoft.

    An airsoft defence could be a UKARA or membership with the British Airsoft Club, and various other forms of defence.

    You can only obtain an airsoft defence once you are over the age of 18.

    To get an airsoft defence the law is that you should play at least 3 games of airsoft, and that you must have been playing for at least two months.
    You can still buy an airsoft gun without a defence, provided you are 18 or older. If you choose to do this we would, by law, two tone (paint in a bright colour) parts of your chosen weapon. This is because an airsoft gun is considered a RIF aka Realistic Imitation Firearm, because they are so close to the real steel, whereas when you paint parts of it in a bright colour it becomes an IF aka Imitation Firearm. The reason being that the bright colours make it look less realistic to the public, and therefor less likely to be mistaken as real, were it to be used for any other purpose than airsoft.

    When you order a gun from us you will need to add your defence details in the comments section of the cart. If you do not have a defence you will need to write the colour that you wish to be used for two toning your airsoft weapon.

    Here is what's stated in the VCRA (Violent Crime Reduction) Act:

    For airsoft skirmishing, the Association of British Airsoft is putting in place arrangements to allow retailers to check that individual purchasers are members of a genuine skirmishing club or site. The key elements of these arrangements are:
    1. new players must play at least 3 (three) times in a period of not less than two months before being offered membership
    2. membership cards with a photograph and recognised format will be issued for production to retailers
    3. A central database will be set up for retailers to cross-check a purchaser’s details
    4. member’s entry on the database will be deleted if unused for 12 months.
    The defence for airsoft skirmishing can apply to individual players because their purchase of realistic imitation firearms for this purpose is considered part of the “holding” of a skirmishing event.
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