Oper8 7.4v 900mah Mini Li-Po Battery - Tamiya

Oper8 7.4v 900mah Mini Li-Po Battery - Tamiya





These mini LiPo batteries from Oper8 are a perfect size and shape for weapons with a small battery compartment.

These Oper8 batteries have a 15C continuous discharge giving you a crisp trigger response and rate of fire, whilst not draining the battery too quickly.

Dimensions: 14*20*95mm

Connector: Tamiya


  • Always use a charger made to charge LiPo packs and, double-check that the settings for the lithium polymer charger are correct for the pack being charged. This includes the cell count, as well as the current settings.
  • In general, most lithium polymer batteries should be charged to no more than 4.2 volts per cell or depleted to less than 3.0 volts per cell. Ensure that charging leads are connected correctly. Reverse charging can lead to cell damage or a fire or explosion.
  • Always charge LiPo batteries on surfaces that won’t catch on fire such as cement, steel, ceramic or stone. Wooden tables and carpeted floors are not recommended charging surfaces.
  • Do not charge batteries near flammable products or liquids.
  • Never charge a LiPo battery while inside your airsoft gun or any other electronic device. If it catches fire it can lead to total destruction of the item it is being charged in.
  • LiPo batteries should be charged within a temperature range of 0C to 50C. Batteries charged outside this temperature range may experience leakage, heat generation or cell damage.
  • Never leave a charging lithium polymer battery pack unattended. Do not charge inside an automobile, especially while driving.
  • Do not store batteries inside an automobile. If unsure of the charge rating, never charge a lithium-polymer battery pack at a rate over 1C (1 x the battery packs rated capacity).
  • Never charge a LiPo pack that has ballooned or swelled due to over / undercharging.
  • Never charge a lithium-polymer battery pack that has been punctured or damaged.
  • Never, under any circumstances let the positive and negative battery leads touch each other. It can lead to cell ballooning, cell damage or fire or an explosion.
  • Have a fire extinguisher near the charging area or a large bucket of dry sand. Do not try to distinguish with water.
  • If you notice your LiPo battery pack is swelling, stop the charging process immediately, put the battery in a safe container and observe it for 15 minutes.
  • Always charge your Lipo battery packs in a Lipo charging safe bag.

LiPo Battery Handling and Storage:

  • Keep LiPo battery packs WELL out of reach of children.
  • Do not put battery packs in pockets or bags where they can short circuit.
  • Do not store or transport batteries where they can come into contact with sharp or metallic objects.
  • Do not store your LiPo pack in extreme temperatures below 0C or above 50C.
  • Always store your LiPo pack in a safe and non-flammable container away from flammable objects.
  • A LiPo Sack or metal / ceramic storage container is best.
  • Always store your LiPo’s partially charged. They will maintain their performance levels over time and there’s no need to cycle them unless stored for periods longer than 3-6 months.
  • Do not immerse the battery in water or allow the battery to get wet.
  • Do not dispose of Li-Po batteries in fire or heat.
  • When storing batteries for extended periods, store at a half charged state.
  • To dispose of a LiPo battery, discharge it fully then place it in a bucket of saltwater for one week.
  • To dispose of, follow your municipal battery disposal guidelines.

To buy an airsoft weapon in the UK you must have a valid airsoft defence.

This is not a licence, it is basically just proof that you intend to buy an airsoft weapon for use in airsoft.

An airsoft defence could be a UKARA or membership with the British Airsoft Club, and various other forms of defence.

You can only obtain an airsoft defence once you are over the age of 18.

To get an airsoft defence the law is that you should play at least 3 games of airsoft, and that you must have been playing for at least two months.
You can still buy an airsoft gun without a defence, provided you are 18 or older. If you choose to do this we would, by law, two tone (paint in a bright colour) parts of your chosen weapon. This is because an airsoft gun is considered a RIF aka Realistic Imitation Firearm, because they are so close to the real steel, whereas when you paint parts of it in a bright colour it becomes an IF aka Imitation Firearm. The reason being that the bright colours make it look less realistic to the public, and therefor less likely to be mistaken as real, were it to be used for any other purpose than airsoft.

When you order a gun from us you will need to add your defence details in the comments section of the cart. If you do not have a defence you will need to write the colour that you wish to be used for two toning your airsoft weapon.

Here is what's stated in the VCRA (Violent Crime Reduction) Act:

For airsoft skirmishing, the Association of British Airsoft is putting in place arrangements to allow retailers to check that individual purchasers are members of a genuine skirmishing club or site. The key elements of these arrangements are:
1. new players must play at least 3 (three) times in a period of not less than two months before being offered membership
2. membership cards with a photograph and recognised format will be issued for production to retailers
3. A central database will be set up for retailers to cross-check a purchaser’s details
4. member’s entry on the database will be deleted if unused for 12 months.
The defence for airsoft skirmishing can apply to individual players because their purchase of realistic imitation firearms for this purpose is considered part of the “holding” of a skirmishing event.
Size Chart