What We've Seen in Quarantine
Initially, the announcement from the Government that we all must self-isolate felt pretty scary. The thought of no fresh air, the inability to book a delivery slot with your favourite supermarket, the lack of paracetamol, the realisation that we could only socialise with the other humans living in our house, taking on the role of the teacher as all the schools closed down, the list goes on.
These are difficult times, so let’s work together to keep spirits up. Get them rainbow pictures up on your window, praise the NHS for the time, and effort, they’re putting into protecting us all.
We’ve written a poem about how crazy life is right now, we just want to spread positivity. If you have any ideas or suggestions on how we can create more positivity, please contact us. Thank you :-)
What is the Meaning of This?
What does it mean - this self-isolation?
Do we give ourselves up, accept incarceration?
How do I stay sane whilst in quarantine?
Well, here is a story of what we have seen.
We realised quite soon that essentials are key,
Just plain old cheddar - no more fancy brie,
We found ourselves living in supermarket sweep,
Dale Winton would be proud of us following like sheep.
Follow the arrows, oh no that isle’s closed,
Denise on the tannoy, social distancing imposed.
Essentials, I mean really, what does that suggest?
Couldn’t get my son a birthday card – unimpressed.
But I could buy me curtains, a new bathroom shelf,
I could even procure a new coat for myself.
I’m not allowed out, so a coat’s not essential,
A birthday card really would be preferential.
However, I can buy a new pretty vase,
And a whole host of things made for cleaning cars.
I can buy a plant pot, a new garden hose,
Some compost, and trellis and plants I suppose.
I can buy a toy from the end of an isle,
But I must not go down it, it’s closed for a while.
I can buy a rug for my living room floor,
A clock and some cushions, a bell for my door.
I can buy a hand towel, a toilet roll holder,
But bog rolls all gone, oh well, on I soldier.
I mean seriously though, this virus ain’t cheap,
And all we can do now is eat, drink and sleep.
It’s taken our freedom, can’t use a bus pass,
Can’t even get wipes, to clean my own ass.
Can’t go out and shoot, release my aggression,
We’re just sinking deeper, back into recession
So, let’s win this war, stay at home, save lives,
Protect the NHS, while Coronavirus thrives.
Let’s all stick together, come on, it’s not hard,
Then just maybe I’ll get that bloody birthday card!