Bomb Up Airsoft Update
Last week, the team worked hard on a few little projects for the festive period including an in-store exclusive mystery box raffle and tweaks to the Time Trial Pistol Club Monthly Leaderboard prizes. Our mystery box has been very popular already with a large number of tickets selling out already, what else would you expect if you had the option to win £400 worth of airsoft gear with a single £10 ticket! TTPC has also been popular, especially with the introduction of a 2nd place and 3rd place prize for our monthly leaderboard. More reason to pop down and shoot!
We are feeling very festive with Christmas songs playing out loud, our BUA Christmas tree up and Barry looking rather dapper in his red suit.
This upcoming week, we are planning the site game at The Prey Ground and expecting a fair few orders to come in, keeping the shelves stocked up! But you never know what else may happen, stick around to find out.