News — Airsoft Site
Valentines and Airsoft can go together!
What better way to introduce your partner to your favourite hobby other than through the experience of a game day at PTC Airsoft Warrington! Who needs hearts and flowers when you’ve got guns and BBs!
PTC Merch Update!
PTC merch is on the way. The team have been researching, designing and developing ideas over the last few weeks with so many ideas put in and out of the ‘let’s do it’ pile!
Happy New Year Everyone!
Happy New Year! Thank you for being such supportive customers!
Airsoft and the Law
The laws surrounding Airsoft have long since been a popular topic of discussion both inside, and outside, the airsoft community. We are often asked why it is so difficult to buy an airsoft gun when anyone over 18 can buy an airgun. We decided to try and find out...
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