News — Gun Club

TTPC Update - 23rd February 2020

TTPC (Time Trial Pistol Club) is held, in-store, every Tuesday evening at 6:30pm until 10pm. This is a weekly shooting range competition using our technologically advanced Attack Sense Target System. To take part in TTPC you can book in-store or online (using this link) for only £10 plus £5 if you wish to take advantage of our hire package. There are various game modes throughout the night and there are always prizes to be won!

FREE Range Day - Saturday 15th February 2020

This Saturday, the 15th of February, we held a free-range fun day – the aim was to beat the BUA stig at a man v man target game!

Party Bookings on the Range - Sunday 2nd February 2020

This week we had a Party Booking for our range in-store for a 14-year-old. She had a great time and all her friends left us great feedback about the options that were available and running of the event.

Range Hire Booking - Thursday 30th January 2020

Tonight we had the company of the Lymm and District Round Table, as they hired out our range for some fun competition. Their aim was to knock down the green targets and not hit the red targets. Again, some were natural-born shooters.

Showing 24-28 of 29 Results