What is the deal with UKARA?

What is the deal with UKARA?

What is the deal with UKARA? 

We get asked this question A LOT. Both at Bomb Up Airsoft and at our game site PTC Airsoft Warrington. UKARA is a form of defence that allows you to purchase non-two-toned “replica imitation firearms” (RIFs)

UKARA is a form of evidence that you can show, if required, that you are an airsoft player, that you have been playing airsoft for at least 2 months, and that you have played at least 3 games. Once you have met the criteria it is up to you which form of defence you choose to use, with various options including UKARABritish Airsoft Club (BAC) membership and site membership among others.

To be able to receive a UKARA number you need to play at least 3 times, at a UKARA registered site, for a minimum of 56 days. So that means that your first game day is day one. Then if you play again 2 weeks later that becomes your 14th day, if you play again 2 weeks later, this only equates to 28 days.

56 days

This is where people get confused. “I thought it was 3 games and you can apply for a UKARA” Yes you can, but only if the games have been spread out across a minimum of 56 days.

 So what is the best thing to do?

You have two choices.

You can spread out your game days so that your third game day falls on or after 56 days from your first game, then speak to Helen or a member of the team to sort your application, or you can just keep playing as you have been, every fortnight, and once you get to your 56th day or after you can then apply for your UKARA at site by speaking to Helen or a member of the team that can help you to sort out your application.

What do I need to get a UKARA once I have done my 56 days?

To get your own UKARA number you must provide a completed UKARA form along with photo ID that proves your address, name and date of birth. If you do not have photo ID then you must provide 2 other forms of ID such as a utility bill and your birth certificate. You must be 18 years and over to apply for a UKARA.

With us, you will get a photo UKARA card, so you need to provide a selfie either on the day to Helen or via email or messenger to sales@bombupairsoftttpc.co.uk. So that your card can be made. 

If you have any questions regarding UKARA please feel free to get in touch with us here at Bomb Up Airsoft, or on game day at PTC Airsoft Warrington.

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